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I am a Warrior

13 Sep

A few members of Savage and Associates participated in the Warrior Dash that was held on Saturday, September 10, 2011 near Carrollton, Ohio.  It was a perfect day to get down and dirty running and walking the 3.5 miles of hellish fun.  The crew from Savage included current and former employees, Lincoln and Emily Boyle, Lydia Drouillard, Miranda Pauken, Michelle Del Toro, Renee Andrews, Allison Niehous,  Jerri Ryan and Lorrie Cesarz.  The group brought along family and friends to share in the fun.

The Warrior Dash is a an extreme obstacle course event that has been staged in several states.  Our location was Carrollton, Ohio, which is 3.5 hours from Toledo, just south of Akron.  The event brought in thousands of participants and spectators.  We estimated that there were over 15,000 people that converge on Area 330 in Carrollton, that day.  The race start was scheduled in waves to accommodate the crowds that entered the event.  The first wave of warriors took off at 9am and the waves continued every half hour until 4pm.  The Savage team was scheduled for noon.

The Savage group took off and some walked, while others trotted or ran.  For those who have run races, this was unlike anything tried before.  Not even a half mile into the dash, we encountered a pond to wade through and pathways thick with mud.  There were some that try to run, but it was very hard to maintain your balance in the slippery mud.  It was also a challenge to keep your shoes on your feet as the mud was so sticky. This was tough!

Then came the obstacles.  Walls to scale, ropes to climb, dumpster to jump over and barbed wire to crawl under.  Each time you finished an obstacle and caught your breath, another one loomed in the distance.  Everyone was pushing through mentally, focused on finishing. We all were overjoyed to see the fire pit that we had to leap over so we could dive into our final mudbath to end the race.  We did it!!

Afterwards we wore our dirt proudly.  We paraded around with the other slimy warriors with our medals.  Eventually we trudged down to a lake to rinse off our accomplishments. We dried off and rewarded ourselves with beer, corn and turkey legs.  A fine feast for a Warrior.

I created a video to show the course and to give a feel for what we experienced.  I did not take this video.  I found a young participant’s YouTube channel.  The cameraman is a 26 year old stud and he moves much quicker than any of us.  He had a camera attached to his head for the entire race.  His youtube video is 15 minutes long and shows some great footage.  I took the best clips from his video and made a 4 minute ride through mud and fun.  Enjoy! – LC

5/12 Bike to Work Day

11 May

In honor of  National Bike to Work day – Savage Fit invites you to pedal in tomorrow.  One of our stockholders who loves to move quickly  (I won’t say who) will be riding to work tomorrow.

Plan on leaving your house early to prepare for traffic and arriving on time, make sure you wear a helmet and enjoy a little exercise to start your day.

Bikes can be parked in the old group department area.  Enter through the mailroom door. – LORRIE CESARZ

More fun Bike Week events can be found here.

Warrior Dash – September 10, 2011 – TIME TO GET DOWN AND DIRTY!

6 May

We are looking to get a Savage team together to run this event.  Get ready to run 3.1 miles through this hellish obstable course of fun.  Want to play in the mud like you used to when you were a kid?  This is the event for you.  Check out the website for more information. Entry fee is $45, but spots fill up quick.

If you use PROMO Code: WDAcitve2011 you get $5.00 off your registration.

We’ve got a few warriors interested in doing it.  Talk to Jerri Ryan to get the latest team update.